Thursday, July 31, 2014

Johnston Lake - Adventure Wednesday July 30th, 2014

Relaxing Day At Johnston Lake

This weeks Adventure Wednesday didn't go as planned. A few days ago we decided to hike up Ha Ling Peak (Chinaman's Peak). I was really excited the last couple of days and especially this morning. I was looking forward to finish work and get out for my weekly Adventure. Unfortunately the weather changed completely - even though we still had 32degrees, it was very foggy and got a bit dark out. Not a good sign to climb a mountain. We also had a long day at work and decided to go hiking on another day. ... I still wanted to do something on Adventure Wednesday and was happy when Dan had the idea to go to the Johnston Lake. Well relaxing on a hot day sounded good to me :)

Here are some photos of this weeks Adventure Wednesday!

Nope we won't move! LOL

Look who we ran into on our way to Johnston Lake. They really didn't move at all! Sweet photo though. Protective family.

Dan having fun in the water!
It was still very hot when we got to Johnston Lake even though it doesn't look like it in this picture. I had a great time. Do you know how hard it is to do NOTHING at all? I usually keep myself busy at home with painting, reading or outside with running, hiking, biking etc. ... BUT I must say I really enjoyed sitting at the Lake and just listen to my surroundings. I loved watching the waves in the water. I really needed this break - to just be!

Selfie on our way around Johnston Lake

Yes yes, I really did go! :) I've never really been to Johnston Lake. It's really lovely there. Hope I am able to go again very soon.

Johnston Lake
We got back to the car right before the Thunder and Lightning started. Wow last week Wednesday a big Thunderstorm and this week another one. Must be Adventure Wednesday :D

After Thunder and Lightning - Beautiful sunset back at the Hotel
A lovely and very hot day comes to an end. One last thing - Adventure Wednesday without you isn't the same. Miss you girl (You know who you are) Hope to see you soon. We need to go biking and rollerblading along Legacy Trail soon :)

Wishing everyone a fantastic week! Will be back here next week Wednesday :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Johnston Canyon & Ink Pots - Adventure Wednesday July 23rd 2014

Hiking to Johnston Canyon & Ink Pots

I spent yesterdays Adventure Wednesday with my friends Alisha and Rhys. As always work comes first! Fortunately we all work together which makes it easier to go on Adventures - we left around 5pm. I've been to Johnston Canyon twice already but only in the Winter. Johnston Canyon is absolutely stunning in the Winter but it is also absolutely beautiful and breathtaking in the Summer! Just wow!

We parked the car and started hiking along the trail which begins immediately behind the Johnston Canyon Lodge. The first few meters are through the forest and lead you over the iron catwalks that are attached beneath overhanging canyon walls, where the waters of the creek flow beneath your feet.

Hike to Lower Falls
We reached the Lower Falls at Km 1.1. A bridge across the creek serves as a viewpoint and a short tunnel through the canyon allows passage to an even more intimate vantage point. It's absolutely amazing! After taking a few photos we went back to the main trail and continued up the canyon via more catwalks and well graded trail. There are many viewpoints overlooking the canyon and a small waterfall.

Hike to Upper Falls

There are two viewpoints at the 30m Upper Falls. First we followed the side-trail and walked along the catwalk which lead us to the viewing platform at the bottom of the falls! As you can see in the photo above - I am having a great time :) A short steep climb on the main trail took us to the top of the falls and another viewing platform, which hangs out over the gorge above the waterfall. I really love it there. I love to just close my eyes and listen for a bit. It's like a little vacation from all the stress around you.

Taking a break at the Upper Falls - Alisha, Rhys and I

After a break at the Upper Falls, we decided to continue our hike up to the Ink Pots. It was a bit of an effort, but well worth it. The Ink Pots themselves are interesting, but I was more taken by the gorgeous views. Thanks Alisha and Rhys for an amazing afernoon hike. I can't wait to go on more Adventures with you two.

Part of the Ink Pots

Johnston Canyon = Little Paradise

Johnston Canyon Resort to Upper Falls—2.7 km - Johnston Canyon Resort to Ink Pots—5.8 km

Monday, July 21, 2014

Biking 15K-50K - Adventure Wednesday July 16th, 2014

"Last" Adventure Wednesday in Calgary ~> Biking 15K - 50K

Oh my, oh my it is already Monday and I haven't had any time to blog about my last Adventure Wednesday. Well actually my week was so busy that we did the Adventure Wednesday on a Saturday. I had some really taff weeks and yet found time to do something fun and active with my friends. I can't even put in words how much these past 3 weeks meant to me. How very grateful I am! I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait to have more Adventures!

Now let's talk about the lovely bike ride! My friend Michelle and I met up at 8:30 on Saturday morning and decided to just go out and explore! We knew we wanted to try something new & would bike for 15K - 50K. Having no plan keeps it interesting and that's why it is called Adventure.

We biked from Oakridge to Lynwood Ridge then to Quarry Park through Fish Creek Park to Woodlands and back home. In the morning when we left it looked like it would start to rain any minute but instead the weather changed completely and it got hot. We did have rain for like the last 2K I think. I had a fantastic morning! Here are a few photos!

Beaverdam Flats and Michelle organizing lunch - lol - Saskatoon berries

First break after about 13K - Lovely view over Calgary

Having another great day - Adventure!!

What a lovely bike ride I had. Michelle said we would be doing between 15K and 50K and we biked 42.46K in 3:04:34 - Every Adventures with my friend is always full of fun and giggles and great conversations. You are absolutely fantatsic. I am a little sad that I can't go running or biking with you "anymore". Hope to be back in Calgary soon! We need more Adventures together :)

 Last night in Calgary (for now)

Can't wait to go on my next Adventure

Saturday, July 12, 2014

3-part-3-day Duathlon - Adventure Wednesday July 9th 2014

3-part-3-day Duathlon

Adventure Wednesday a bit different! This has been my second week/ second Adventure Wednesday in Calgary! I actually thought I wouldn't be doing much in Calgary but I have been very busy as you all can see on my last few blogs! This week wasn't any different which I am very grateful for! My friend Michelle and I decided to Bike 15K Wednesday - Run 12K Thursday - Bike 50K Friday! We called it 3-part-3-day Duathlon! 

Part 1 - Biking!
I had a lazy day on Wednesday until I met my friend Michelle for our bike ride! We we're suppose to do 15K but ended up doing 17.98Km in 01:28:45 - Calgary downtown through Weaselhead and then home! What an fantastic bike ride full of giggles! I'm always having a great time being around my lovely friend M.

Having a blast! Still happy after a 18K bike ride!

Part 2 - Running
My Thursday morning started with a visit to the dentist :( After that I went shopping for a bit and then I had to hurry home and to get changed to meet Michelle downtown. We met at the same time/ same place and off we went! We ran 12-18Km in 1:43:05 - from downtown straight home! I felt a bit tired but I also felt better than when I ran my 10K at Stampede Road Race! This just shows that no matter how much you run or train - every day can be different! You can have days were you feel fantastic and others you feel like you just wanna lie down! Always listen to your body! I must say though - I could feel that I have been ver active with running and biking this past week!

Love our running-shoes (photo from last week though)

Part 3 - Biking!
We left around 8:30 on Friday morning for our long bike ride! We did 50.97Km in 3:37:50! We were a trio for the first 14K and finished our long bike ride as a duo! Congrats Michelle on your first 50K bike ride! You are an "Ultra-Girl" in running & biking now! :) I had a great time! Nothing better than to go on a "Adventure" with one of your closest friends! Below you can see a few photos of how lovely our day has been! Sunshine pure - no clouds - beautiful view!!

Riding to Sikome Lake & back home!

Taking a break at Sikome Lake after a 31K ride :) 

After a lovely break at Sikome Lake - which felt like a mini-vacation - we headed back the way we came! We had such a beautiful day and I enjoyed every minute of it! I can't even put in words how grateful I am for these past two weeks! Best weeks in a long time!! It is wonderful to have company on my runs and bike rides! Thank you guys for everything!

Beautiful sunset! (No filter)

Not sure what I am going to do for next weeks Adventure Wednesday but I am already excited!

Ready to go Stampeding now!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stampere Road Race - Sunday - Funday

Stampede Road Race 2014

I went to Calgary for a couple of days and guess what I did? I signed up for the Stampede Road Race July 6th - 10K! What a fun day! My friends Michelle and Jenn and I met at 6:30am and we left the house right after that! 
Look at this beautiful sunrise!

Pre race photo with Michelle & Jenn

Michelle and Jenn signed up for the half marathon which started 7:30am! I had to wait till 8am to start my 10K! Before I write about my race I want to THANK my friends for spending this morning with me! I had a great time! So much fun! Congrats on a awesome race you two and congrats Jenn for PB your first half of the year! We are all amazing! We rock!!

My 10K didn't go as well as I thought it would be! The weather was perfect but the race was challenging! I know I was prepared for this race. I ran and biked the week before a couple of times BUT you never know how you feel on race day! I was a bit stressed in the morning because I didn't sleep well and got up a bit to late! I got ready and didn't have really anything for breakfast (big mistake I know) and rushed over to my friends house! I told myself that everything will be fine! I did feel a bit better the moment I got to the start! I was excited and happy to be part of this race! It was time to do the Stampede Road Race again after a 2 year "break". In my first K I had troubles with my hips and took it easy! After a few K I started to enjoy my run! I rocked my race and finished in 01:06:02! I must say though - It was easier for me to run my half marathon than running these 10K! 

Here are a few photos from Sunday!!

Stampede Road Race 10K/5K

YeeHaw - Michelle & Jenn - I'm a little princess! 

Flying through the race! 

A huge Thank You to all the volunteers! Over 51 marshals, 40 water station attendees, 20+ finish line helpers and all of those who helped at the food area, with registration, package pickup and bag stuffing.  The race was sold out with over 1900 runners and nearly 500 kids participated on Sunday morning! What a fantastic day! I' m soooo very happy I signed up for this race!

Here are the highlights of my last week!

July 1st ~> Canada Day 5K run
July 2nd ~> Divine Dynamic Duo Diva Duathlon - Just for fun!! Run3K - Bike12K -Run2K
July 3rd ~> rest day
July 4th ~> 33.86 km Cycle Ride in 02:30:31 Calgary - Chestermere - Calgary
July 5th ~> Volunteering - Stampede Road Race Pkg. Pickup 
July 6th ~> Stampede Road Race 10K

Tomorrow's Adventure Wednesday will be a bit different ~> 3-part-3-day Duathlon!
Bike 15Km on Wed - Run 12Km on Thurs - Bike 50Km on Fri

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Diva Duathlon - Adventure Wednesday July 2nd 2014

Divine Dynamic Duo Diva Duathlon

First Adventure Wednesday in Calgary! Wow just wow! Michelle and I were talking about Adventure Wednesday last night and decided we should NOT just go for a run! Michelle had the amazing idea to make our own Duathlon for Adventure Wednesday! Well we both knew how to run and bike so why not combine these two! I loved the idea right away and we made plans over dinner.

We started part 1 of our Duathlon right after Michelle finished work! We ran for 3K in downtown which felt great! I already ran a half marathon so 3K for me and I am sure for Michelle as well were easy.  Running 3K is like a little warm-up :) As soon as we finished our run we got to our bikes to start part 2 - biking 12K.


Biking from downtown along the Glenmore Reservoir back home! Since I had my knee surgery in 2013 I love biking again! Do you know how awesome it is to go for a bike ride without any pain! We take our bodies for granted and don't realize how important every little muscle is until we can't use it! I appreciate my body more now!  I loved our bike ride and felt great all the way! I must say though - I don't like biking on the street! I don't like that I can't see the cars coming! I should go biking more often to get used to it!

Michelle near Glenmore Reservoir

Michelle & I at Glenmore Reservoir! Beautiful day!

Woohoo we finished part 2 of our Duathlon! Unbelievable! We totally rock! But wait - we are not done yet. We dropped of our bikes - I had a sip of water and off we went for part 3. I thought part 3 was going to be very very easy because we decided only to run 2K BUT ... The first 500m were ok and then I felt my legs. They got really heavy and I really wanted to walk. After K1 I was back to normal and felt great and finished my 2K strong.

MICHELLE we did it. We are DUATHLONER now. How awesome are we?

First Adventure Wednesday in Calgary and I loved every minute of it. Can't wait for next Wednesday.

Running 3K in 20:54 - 07:00 Min/Km
Biking 12.67K in 54:20 - 13.99 Km/H
Running 2K in 13:59 - 6:59 Min/Km

What an amazing first Duathlon. I even got a medal from my friend Michelle. I had a great time and would love to do it again!

Dynamic Duo Diva Duathlon

Thanks for the awesome medal Michelle!

I'm very HAPPY that Georgia & I created Adventure Wednesday!!